Summer 2020 FAQ’s
Why are the 2020 summer programs canceled?
Clearwater is about the friendships and adventures that draw our campers and staff together each year and the support from our alumnae, parents, and friends who make this possible. We know this is sad news to hear.
The decision to cancel Clearwater’s summer 2020 programs (Work Weekend, Camp, Family Camp) was made from an all-encompassing process of looking at regulations and recommendations placed on our summer operation. We followed guidance from the State of Wisconsin, the American Camping Association (ACA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), local health departments, and medical experts to support our decision.
We also considered whether we could provide a true Clearwater experience as well as what the potential risks might be for our Summer 2020 participants. We have always been committed to providing a safe environment for campers, families, staff, and our local community.
At this time, the situation continues to evolve, and there remains too little known about COVID-19. Therefore, we chose to suspend programming this summer.
Will there be Family Camp in August 2020?
Clearwater holds dear our time with families over the last 40 years at Family Camp. However, due to all the same reasons that we cannot provide our regular camp season, we will not be able to offer Family Camp. If you have specific questions about Family Camp, please contact Melinda Pearce
Have you thought about having shorter sessions in July?
Everything we considered ultimately led us to the same conclusion: we cannot give the best of Clearwater this summer without introducing heightened anxiety, increasing the strain on college and adult staff alike, and disrupting the atmosphere that allows campers and their parents to have a true Clearwater experience. With so many uncertainties and unknown risks, we are unsure if we could provide a safe and enjoyable environment for camp, nor Family Camp.
What are the options if I have paid my deposit and/or tuition? Can I get a refund?
For those of you who have registered and have paid full or partial tuition, you have the following options:
- We can send you a check to reimburse you for payments made or a percentage of payments made
- You can choose to defer all, or a percentage of amounts paid to cover the 2021 camp season
- You can designate all or a percentage of amounts paid as a tax-deductible charitable contribution to Clearwater
Please contact Melinda Pearce to indicate your preference.
How will this decision affect 4th Year Point campers?
We know that the last summer as a camper is filled with many traditions and special moments, both at camp and on trips.
We will be reaching out to you this summer in our efforts to stay connected with our camper community. You might be interested in helping us to pass along some traditions to younger campers or participating in virtual activities.
Leadership invitations to apply will be sent via postcard in the fall.
How will this decision affect the 2020 Leaderships?
The Clearwater Leadership Program is focused on learning what it means to be a leader within the context of a wonderful summer at Clearwater. This was going to be a year where you would begin to make the transition from experiencing camp to helping others experience all that makes Clearwater special. You would have discovered what it means to be a camp counselor, develop specific leadership techniques that can be applied in many areas of life, and what it means to be of service to others.
Clearwater is considering ways to connect with you in these areas. Expect to hear from us in the coming months! And feel free to reach out to Liz if you have any questions at
Are there any jobs available at Clearwater this summer?
There are no seasonal positions available this summer. We look forward to hiring the Summer 2021 staff beginning in the fall.
Can I come to visit Clearwater this summer?
Because of our liability insurance, we cannot allow access without permission. Please check with Office Manager Melinda Pearce for more information or 715-356-5030.
Will you be holding any on-site camp informational tours this summer?
We love showing camp to new campers and their families. Depending on what guidelines are in place when you would like to visit, we will determine how we can show you camp. Please contact our Office Manager Melinda Pearce for tour information at or 715-356-5030.
Do you have advice about how I can talk to my camper about this summer?
We know that Clearwater is such a special place, and many look forward to their camp experience all year long. This news, especially amid so many changes this spring, can feel especially disappointing. It is okay to feel sad! We all do when thinking about what could have been for Summer 2020. If your camper is uncomfortable or upset, let them know that you are here to help them through this time of uncertainty. A good start is to acknowledge what your camper is feeling and for her to know that this is a pause, not an ending.
What about Registration for 2021?
Information about the 2021 registration process will be sent later this summer. Once registration is open, each camper will need a completed application through your CampInTouch account. Registration will be open to current camp families first. The order of enrollment will be by the date of the completed application. We anticipate the tuition deposit to secure your spot will be due November 1st.
Click here for the summer 2021 noteworthy dates.
How can I help Clearwater?
The Clearwater community is made up of wonderful people, like you, who make us strong! You volunteer, share ideas, and make financial contributions throughout the year. Now, we need you more than ever. You can review support options here or please connect with our Development and Communications Director, Sheila Ferguson at or 901-830-7896 if you would like to learn more about opportunities to support camp.
I have a question that I do not see here. Who can I contact?
If you have any questions that were not addressed here, please contact us at or 715-356-5030, and one of us will respond as soon as possible.