Mandy Kimm

Camper: 5 years
Staff: 1st year, 2012 Leadership
Hometown: Anchorage, AK
Position: Creative Wellness Coordinator
I love meeting and connecting with people over meals, while adventuring outside, with a cup of tea, or on travels around the world. It’s important to me to be in motion—active physically by walking, running, swimming, dancing or doing yoga, but also through travel, new environments, new challenges or situations. Though my happiness comes mostly from being with people, I also value my time alone, especially to write. I’ve been journaling regularly since the age of eight and also compose poetry and music. When I was studying dance and environmental studies at Middlebury College I was a leader of the meditation club and active in dance, social justice activism, theater, arts administration, gardening and local food organizations. Since graduating I’ve been traveling and working as a remote digital assistant to a growing non-profit therapy organization based in Vermont, generating web content and design, as well as videography/editing. I can’t wait to be back on the shores of Lady Tom sharing discoveries, challenges and memorable moments with all the amazing people of CC4G. I’m looking forward to the special quiet of evenings lit only by campfires, the sound of guitar chords and voices rising up to the pines, the sunrises and sunsets over the glassy lake, and the glittering joy of diamond days.