These days many of us can share updates about our lives practically in real-time. Keeping connected with far-flung Clearwater friends doesn’t have to wait for the annual Voyageur anymore! Never a place to surrender traditions easily, keeping Clearwater’s yearly call for alumnae Voyageur submissions remains important.
Over the last few years, we asked you to share updates from your year in connection with our 4C’s – confidence, courage, compassion, and community. Last year, we specifically requested your stories of courage. This year’s call for alumnae submissions hopes to illustrate the strength and impact of COMMUNITY.
What does community mean to you?
How have you been impacted by being a part of Clearwater’s community?
What other communities do you belong to? How do they support you?
Have you discovered new opportunities or new things about yourself because belonging to a community?
We’d love to hear your reflections and trip sparks! And if you prefer to share additional news, please do not hesitate to do so!
You can submit your stories and news by simply responding to this email or by filling out this form. Please include your name, years at camp and any contact information you would like to share with your submission. We look forward to hearing from you!
Click here to view last year’s Voyageur and alum stories about Courage.
All the best,
Steph Cotherman
Marketing Committee Chair, Clearwater Board of Directors
By Sheila Ferguson, CFRE