April 21, 2020
Dear Clearwater Community,
We are thinking of you! And can’t thank you enough for your expressions of support, concern, and caring for our beloved Clearwater. There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected all of us – emotionally, logistically, financially, and perhaps physically. But there is also no doubt that Clearwater, because of our committed and connected community, will come out the other side with our “ties that bind” stronger than ever. We will have a renewed and deepened resolve to provide a camp experience that fosters confidence, courage, compassion, and community in the world’s future leaders.
We want you to know what staff and board are currently thinking regarding summer 2020. Unfortunately, the situation continues to evolve with new developments occurring almost daily. As you know, the process by which states will return to normalcy is in the hands of the governors. Wisconsin Governor Evers has extended the state’s stay-at-home order through Memorial Day weekend. Beyond that date, there is little clarity yet about how to plan for the most responsible way forward.
We have undertaken extensive research into various options and had hours of conversation internally and with local officials. Like you, we all have fingers and toes crossed that we can open in June, but we are also examining many other alternatives. The board will meet the weekend of May 15 to review the possibilities and will communicate our conclusions regarding summer 2020 to you as quickly as possible. Rest assured that if unfolding events make the way forward clear sooner than that, we will communicate with you immediately.
Due to this uncertainty, the May 15 deadline for all camper forms, as well as the previous tuition deadline will both be extended.
Thank you for your patience! Please don’t hesitate to call or email if you have questions or an opinion you would like to share. We would love to hear from you!
Our best wishes,
Liz Baker
Executive Director |
Nonnie Gilbert
Board President |
By Sheila Ferguson, CFRE