Campership Program

Part of Clearwater Camp’s mission as a non-profit is to offer financial assistance (also known as “camperships”) to families that might not otherwise be able to afford the meaningful experience we provide along the shores of Tomahawk Lake.

We launched our campership program in 2008 as part of the inaugural Voyageur Campaign with the primary goal of making a summer at camp more accessible to new and current families. As of 2024, many campers have benefited from more than $340,000 in financial awards. Donations from our community make camperships possible and all camperships are grants to families who are asked to make some of the investment themselves. The amount of each campership varies depending on a family’s specific situation. Campership recipients are confidential, and known only by staff members responsible for processing the applications.

How to Apply for a Campership

At this time, we are able to provide partial assistance, generally 25% – 50% of the costs of attending camp (e.g., tuition, extended activities, travel, and othe camp expenses). Families should plan to pay what they can based on their personal financial situation. Campership requests are reviewed on a rolling basis. Families will be notified monthly beginning December 15, 2024, until the program is full.

  1. Complete the regular camper application process through our website.
  2. Complete the 2025 Campership Request form. This is available to you once the camper application has been submitted. It will be in the Forms and Documents area of your CampMinder account. If sending more than one child to camp, please submit a separate request form for each camper.
  3. Submit your request by the first of the month to be eligible for camperships awarded by the 15th of the same month.

The Clearwater Campership program is open to all without regard to race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or religion. All requests for financial assistance will be considered equally and on a first come, first served basis. Any amount awarded must be used in the current camp season and may not be carried over to future years.

If you or someone you know would be interested in our campership program, please contact the camp office at 715-356-5030 or for more information.