Range Rangers Giving Program

Sustain Clearwater and Increase Campers’ FUN

You can become a Range Ranger (our recurring giving program) by using our secure, online credit card processing system with this button:


Many of you will remember the Range Ranger from The Tajar Tales who ranges the ranges in Clearwater’s region as a caretaker and special friend. When you become a Range Ranger, you become a supporter who is a special friend who ensures that good care is taken to sustain Clearwater now and into the future.

Range Rangers will:

  • Make a lasting impact – recurring donations, in any amount, will provide a consistent revenue stream to support camper adventures.
  • Experience a convenient giving option – your tax-deductible* contribution will be automatically deducted at the frequency you prefer and you can change your preferences at any time.
  • Strengthen your Clearwater ties – photos and stories of camper experiences and other surprises will be shared exclusively with Range Rangers throughout the year.

Donation levels can be changed or canceled at any time. For more information, please contact our Director of Development and Communications, Sheila Ferguson, CFRE at sheila@clearwatercamp.org or 901-830-7896.


If you prefer PayPal, you may also become a Range Ranger using the following:

Pledge to donate monthly via PayPal:

Monthly Donation, choose your giving amount:

Please ask your employer about matching funds that could multiply your gift to Clearwater.

There are additional creative ways to give to Clearwater. For more information, please contact our Director of Development and Communications, Sheila Ferguson, CFRE at sheila@clearwatercamp.org or 901-830-7896.

*Clearwater Camp Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (EIN 43-2024465). All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowable by law.  Always consult your own tax adviser for the proper and legal consideration of your gift for deduction purposes.