Dear Clearwater Family,
It is with pure joy that I write this to you as I begin my journey as Clearwater’s Executive Director. My first official day began on September 8, 2014. Over the last month as I prepared for the role there was some much needed organizing of my home. For instance, an office has been established. While cleaning out closets, cabinets and drawers, I found some amazing treasures. I came across old trip scarves, banquet books, ClearGear, candles from Council Fires and many pictures. What was also fun to find were the many letters I received as a camper and counselor at camp as well as poems and toasts. All of these mementos – including my first Clearwater Christmas gift, pictured here – are pieces of my heart.
Clearwater holds a special place for each and every one of us. We have experienced waking up to Tajar pranks, eaten the scrumptious coffee cake on Sunday mornings, rejoiced as we got up on water skis or trotted on a horse for the first time. We have laughed with our dear friends during cabin night, celebrated as we passed our swim test, and shared memories as trip sparks were being read around Council Fire. These traditions we hold dear are unique to Clearwater. I look forward to continuing those traditions and connecting the past, present and future Clearwater generations.
“So, help me if you can I’ve got to get back to Clearwater, it’s where I belong. It’s hard to believe there’s so much that I loved; Brush all the tears from my eyes, and pray for the winter to fly.” I can’t wait for camp to begin! In the meantime, keep an eye on the website and Facebook as I’ll be visiting many places across the country in the hopes of connecting with you. Seeing fellow Clearwater Daughters and friends will help the winter fly by until we are back on the shores of Tomahawk Lake once more.
By Sheila Ferguson, CFRE