During the 2023 Spring Campaign, we will share stories and thoughts from some of our monthly donors, Range Rangers that we hope will inspire you to become a Range Ranger too. You will find these stories posted on Clearwater’s Instagram and Facebook pages, as well here below. The latest logbook entry is on top.
Logbook Entry: May 9, 2023
WE DID IT! Thank you Clearwater community for helping us unlock 4 additional canoes to add a total of 8 new 17-foot aluminum canoes to our fleet for ongoing camper adventures!
We also welcome FIVE new Range Rangers and hope to add at least 15 more before camp starts. Together 20 Range Rangers who donate at least $10 per month create $2,400 for camp annually! Please consider supporting Clearwater with a monthly gift.
Logbook Entry: May 4, 2023
Thank you to all of you who are contributing to our Spring Campaign! We are getting very close to meeting the #CanoeChallenge! Please remember that our 2nd goal this Spring is to enroll 20 more Range Rangers and as of 9 A.M. camp time, we need 17 more! Here are a few more notes from some of our current Range Rangers that may inspire you to join them.
From Katherine: “It is at the core of my sense of adventure. I’m living in the Northwoods again (albeit, on the East Coast) and am reminded daily of how calm and happy I am when outdoors. I credit this to the many summers I spent in nature while at Clearwater.”
From Amanda: “My upbringing at Clearwater gave me the confidence and courage to go after my dreams. When you’re adventuring, you take risks and are often out of your comfort zone, and the experiences you have at Clearwater allow you to get in touch with your inner self and learn what you are made of. I learned to embrace my guts and gumption; to not be afraid of where life would take me. I learned to trust my instincts. That sense of self and adventure has allowed me to become a commercial fisherman in Alaska, where I have run my own fishing boat catching salmon for 11 years. Clearwater is the foundation of my life upon which I have built a life of adventure!”
From Sheila: I became a Range Ranger so that I could make sure I was giving regularly to the place that means so much to some very important women in my life: my daughter, Quinn, my sister-in-law, Jennifer and my mother-in-law, Sue! Gosh, I love this place so much, I decided to come work here and ask others to support Clearwater too!
Logbook Entry: May 2, 2023
It’s a Tuesday and we have 4 more days until the end of our Spring Campaign this Saturday. Please help us meet our two goals this year before camp:
- Secure $8,400 to buy 4 new canoes that will also “unlock” 4 more canoes from a couple of generous donors who challenged the community
- Add 20 new monthly donors, Range Rangers, who will create an ongoing source of revenue for annual camp operations.
Note that a full year’s worth of NEW Range Rangers who sign up during the Spring campaign will be counted toward the $8,400 challenge for the new canoes.
After reading these “Why I’m a Range Ranger” stories, please take a look at the update on the #CanoeChallenge and #RangeRangerCallenge below. Please paddle with us to meet these goals – DONATE NOW
Why Drew is a Range Ranger: “It reminds me of what is always still possible to discover in life.”
Why Christy is a Range Ranger: “I’m sure it’s the source of my love for the outdoors, for hiking, boating, swimming in lakes, composing and singing silly songs, and sitting around a campfire at night, and preferring to sleep with a window open even to this day.”
Why Julie F is a Range Ranger: “I love being able to see how camp is growing and expanding. I would continue to go to camp even as an adult if I could, it was extremely important in shaping who I am and I feel VERY strongly about the importance of being in nature and disconnecting from technology and how these help create important skills for adults and youth….Clearwater and the traditions never left my thoughts even when I was no longer a camper. Time with Sunny can do that as it turns out!”
Progress on NEW Range Rangers:
Update on #CanoeChallenge
Logbook Entry: April 26, 2023
We have EXCITING NEWS about our Spring 2023 Campaign.
As all of you know, learning to canoe and portage have been important skills throughout the history of Clearwater and it leads to great adventures for our campers. We are super excited that we received a challenge from a couple of generous donors who really want to fulfill our wish for 8 new canoes that can be added to our fleet this summer.
Challenge: Funding for 4 canoes ($8,400) will be “unlocked”, if we secure the equivalent of 4 canoes ($8,400) from the rest of our community by Saturday, May 6.
A full year’s worth of gifts from NEW Range Rangers (monthly donors) will be counted toward the challenge goal.
Please paddle together with us to make this happen so we can purchase and use these canoes this summer! DONATE NOW
Logbook Entry: April 22, 2023, Earth Day
From Carol V who tells us Why She’s a Range Ranger: “I learned how to sail at camp and have loved it ever since. My favorite vacation is Bareboating in the Virgin Islands.”
By Kat Bramley