Name: Audrey Kennedy
Camper: 7 years, Leadership in 2013
Staff: 1st year as a counselor
Hometown: St. Louis, MO
Audrey is a freshman at Sewanee: The University of the South in Tennessee and is studying English and Education with an interest in women and gender studies. Audrey is a member of and volunteers with Phi Kappa Epsilon, which is a local Sewanee sorority. Her friends describe her as passionate, sassy and cheerful. If you’re lucky, you’ll get to experience her secret talents: painting people’s nails and creating Spotify playlists. Audrey looks forward to getting to know all of the campers and spending lots of time on Lake Tomahawk this summer.
If Audrey were an animal she’d be an otter, because she loves to be in the water, plus she’s playful. Her favorite movie is Garden State because it has an awesome soundtrack and makes you think. On a free day, you would find Audrey with her friends swimming in a lake, listening to music, and eating chips and salsa.
Name: Clara Abbott
This is Clara’s first summer at Clearwater. Her best friend went to camp and she always loved hearing her wonderful camp stories and knew Clearwater
Hometown: St. Louis, MO
Clara attends Haverford College and hopes to major in English with a concentration in Peace, Justice and Human Rights. She works at the Office of Multicultural Affairs on campus and plays on the Women’s Ultimate Frisbee team. Positive, energetic and smiley are words her friends think of when describing Clara. She loves to sing and if she could be any animal it would be a bird. If she had the ability to fly, she’d fly often, because she likes spending lots of time in and around trees. Her secret talent is reciting 40 digits of pi, and since she loves to sing, perhaps she’ll sing you those numbers.
If Clara could choose anything for a day, she’d bike with her dad on the Katy Trail just outside of St. Louis. Her favorite movie is School of Rock, which she and her family watch whenever they road trip and they can quote just about the entire movie. Clara looks forward to learning all about Clearwater’s unique traditions, including the songs, and of course meeting the other staff members and campers.
Name: Hannah Friedle, nickname: Frieds
Camper: 9 years, Leadership in 2013
Staff: First year as counselor
Hometown: Wheaton, IL
Hannah studies Psychology and Political Science at Rollins College in Winter Park, FL. She’s a sailor on the Varsity Sailing Team and a member of an organization called the Democracy Project and on top of that works part-time. Her friends say she’s energetic, spontaneous and independent.
If granted a free day, Hannah would bike around the French countryside. If granted an opportunity to become an animal, she’d be a bald eagle because they get to fly around all day and are the symbol of the USA, what more could you want? Hannah looks forward to returning to Clearwater Camp!
Name: Stephanie Domijan
Camper: 3 years
Staff: 1st year as a counselor, was a Leadership in 2013
Q4: Northbrook, Illinois
Stephanie is currently finishing her first year at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. At Miami, Stephanie majors in Mechanical Engineering and is a member of the varsity synchronized skating team. When not working at camp, Stephanie works as a lifeguard. In addition, she volunteers with a service organization called Global Brigades where she will serve as a part of the Business Brigade in Honduras and Panama prior to attending camp this summer.
This summer, Stephanie is most looking forward to seeing all of the returning campers, along with everyone new to the Clearwater family. If Stephanie’s friends were to describe her in three words, she would be adventurous, outgoing and accountable. If given the day to do anything she wishes, she would spend it on the water, either water skiing with friends or kayaking with her mom. Stephanie’s favorite movie is Divergent because it is her dream to be Dauntless.
By Sheila Ferguson, CFRE